Kissed by Death

Author(s): Ruby Ryan
Series: Gods of Death
Book Number: 2
Release Date: 7th Nov 2018
The average rating for this book is 4.25 out of 5

Genre Fantasy Burn Slow Form Gods & Goddesses POV 1st Person POV POV Multiple POV Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Store Availability Paperback Mythology Celtic Mythology Egyptian Mythology General Mythology Mythology Greek FF
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Four sexy gods of death—Thanatos, Anubis, Mictlantecuhtli, and Morrigan—vie for one woman's soul.

Beth Carter is starting to get used to having four gorgeous demigods walking around her office. Especially now that she knows they’re not going to drag her down to the underworld.

But she has a new case to investigate before telling her gods of death that she was nearly killed by a train that fateful night. Someone has hacked into Interlync Communications, a fast-growing new telecommunications company, compromising the data of millions of users. 

The strangest part? Interlync requests Beth by name to investigate, despite her having zero experience in digital espionage.

As she goes down the rabbit hole of data warehouses and suspicious shell companies, Beth begins to realize she’s in over her head. Can she utilize Thanatos, Anubis, Mictlantecuhtli, and Morrigan to help solve the case? Or will she end up failing her client… while falling for her four gods of death? 

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