Hearth & Hexes

Author(s): Madison Martin 
Series: Elle's Enchantments
Book Number: 4
Release Date: 18th Sep 2024
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Genre Paranormal Kink Power Play Harem Size Small Harem (3 or 4) Trope Enemies to Lovers Trope Fake Relationship Trope Mafia Trope Small Town Form Witches, Warlocks & Mages Form Wolves POV 1st Person POV POV Multiple POV Age FMC in their 20s Tense Past Store Availability Kindle (Non-KU) Action Harem Evolves Over Time Humorous Jealous/Possessive MMC Magic Mixed Species Harem Romantic Suspense
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Playing Elle’s husband has me questioning where the lies end and the truth begins.

When Elle Preston asks me for a favor on her hunt for the next enchantment, I can’t refuse. Mostly because I know if I do, she’ll just find someone else. And I can’t stand the thought of her cozying up to some other guy. Because no matter how annoying she is, I want to protect her. Even when she makes it clear she doesn’t need my strength or my magic—she just needs me to shut up and put a ring on her finger.

Our hunt takes us to a small town that seems to be stuck in the 1900s, with no technology, few cars, and some backwards traditions. But Elle has it on good authority that the next enchantment is around here somewhere, and when the Crimson Key mage Graham Faulk shows up too, it’s a race to see who can find the enchantment first.

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