Growing Alpha

Author(s): Erin R Flynn
Series: Seraphine Thomas
Book Number: 14
Release Date: 15th Jul 2022
The average rating for this book is 5 out of 5

Trigger Warning Abuse - Emotional Trigger Warning Abuse - Past Trigger Warning Abuse - Physical Trigger Warning Abuse Trauma Trigger Warning Blood Play Trigger Warning Child Abuse - Violence Trigger Warning Childhood Trauma Trigger Warning PTSD Trigger Warning Violence
Genre Paranormal Harem Size Large Harem (7+) Form Fae Form Shifters Form Unique Shifters Form Vampires Form Wolves POV 1st Person POV Age FMC in their 30s Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Mental Health PTSD Abused Female Alphas Fighters Harem Evolves Over Time Kickass Woman Law Enforcement Magic Mixed Species Harem Royalty Twins
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Division Chief Seraphine Thomas knows that progress isn’t made without sacrifices. Their side has lost people, and the cost to her own life is sometimes too high.
But now that the political climate for supes shifts widely back the wrong way, everyone is scrambling to secure the protections supes desperately need. It’s simply impossible to play a fair game when the other side cheats.
Unfortunately, that’s not the only thing weighing on her, and she’s being pulled in too many directions at once. Something the new division chief of the regular office tries to take advantage of constantly while lying he’s responsible for her work.
Plus, she’s having trouble settling with the bomber case she recently worked. There are too many similarities between her and the bomber and that pulls her back into her past in a way she knows she can’t ignore.
At least she’s taking some time off to attend the next APA event and putting her needs first by driving there. Visiting Vegas a second time couldn’t possibly be as crazy as the first time, right?

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