Fierce Monarch

Author(s): MJ Crouch
Series: Gilded Empire
Book Number: 3
This series is completed
Release Date: 17th May 2024
Trigger Warning Unknown Trigger Warning Violence
Genre Contemporary Harem Size Small Harem (3 or 4) Trope Friends to Lovers Trope Mafia POV 1st Person POV POV Multiple POV Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Cliffhanger Dark Jealous/Possessive MMC
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I’ve been betrayed by a person I let inside my life in every possible way.

The pain is unbearable, not just because of what he means—meant—to me, but because now I’ve got a huge damn target on my back.

Almost as big as the hole in my heart.

Every mafia leader in the city sees this betrayal as a sign of my weakness and they can’t wait to use it to their advantage.

My back is to a wall that is crumbling more every second and the men I need most are struggling just to stay alive.

I’ll have to align with the unthinkable to survive—as secrets I thought were buried deep start rising to the surface.

And it turns out the truth I thought I knew...might not be true at all.

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