
Author(s): Brittany Rose
Series: The Song Sorceress
Book Number: 3
Release Date: 16th Jun 2020

Genre Fantasy Burn Slow Harem Size Small Harem (3 or 4) POV 1st Person POV POV 3rd Person POV POV Multiple POV Age FMC College Age (University) Store Availability Kindle Unlimited Magic Music Royalty
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Aria was a college student at Julliard, and she’s a musical genius. Her life was pretty busy between work, school, friends, and her family.

She’s a baroness now on a new world of magic, and she has no idea how to be that yet, not truly. She has a lot to learn about her new life, new world, and magic. Problem is, the emergencies keep coming. It’ll be a while to complete that education, if she can manage to survive what’s coming.

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